About us

Discover Athens, Piraeus, Riviera & Beaches with Athens Open Tour, the first GREEK double-decker Get on Get off bus company!
Enjoy Athens, Piraeus, Riviera & Beaches on our yellow open top buses. Get in touch with our civilization, history and architecture and learn all about the old and modern city of Athens and Piraeus in your own language with the commentary on board, available in 12 languages.

Our Tours

Athens Open Tour operates all year round. Our Athens, Piraeus, Riviera & Beaches tours run daily with a 15-30 minute frequency time schedule from 08.00 until 20.00 during the summer season April to November and from 09.00 until 17.45 during the winter season December to March.

Athens Open Tour Android application on Google Play
Athens Open Tour iOS application on App Store
Acropolis Museum entrance ticket - Athens Open Tour
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Acropolis Museum entrance ticket

On the main level, the visitors can see extended remnants of the ancient city, as well as significant findings deriving from the slopes of the Acropolis. On the first level there are finds from the Acropolis during the Mycenaeic and Geometric era,  from the temple of Athena Nike and Erechtheion, as well as works dating from the late ancient period to the early Christian years. On the second level you can find the restaurant, the Museum’s shop and book store, balconies with the view of the exhibits. Finally on the third floor (the Parthenon room has the dimensions and the direction of the Parthenon), the frieze, the metopes and the temple’s pediments, are displayed. The famous marble frieze is recreated with both original marbles and casts of those pieces held elsewhere, such as the Elgin Marbles in the British Museum.

Important Information & Collection information

Tickets must be redeemed at the Cashier of the museum

  • Email Address
  • Open Hours
    April – October: Monday: 8:00am–3:30pm (last admission), Tue-Wed-Thur-Sat-Sun: 08:00am–7:30pm (last admission), Friday: 08:00am–9:30pm (last admission)
    November – March: From Monday to Thursday: 9:00am–4:30pm (last admission), Friday 09:00am–9:30pm (last admission), Sat and Sun 09:00am–7:30pm (last admission)
  • Closed Days
    1 May, Greek Easter, 25&26 December, 1 January
  • Phone
    +30 210 9000900